Latest News


Hi everyone,


Alyssa here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.


Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for September! The newsletter features the following topics:

What's going on?

  • CUPE 3913 Fall Membership Meeting: Thursday September 28 @ 7:00 PM
    • Join CUPE3913, the Graduate Student Coalition, and the GSA for a Whine and Dine event focusing on Mental Health
  • CUPE3913 Orientations: General Orientation, Department Orientations, Guelph-Humber Orientations
  • Dis-Orientation Week
  • Member Mobilizers Needed!
  • Fall Tabling Schedule
  • New CUPE3913 Website in Development
  • Members in Good Standing
  • Volunteers Needed for CAGIS
  • Benefits and the New Academic Year

Learn more about...

  • The Bargaining Process and Bargaining Committee
  • Appointments for Sessional Lecturers
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information


If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email! Welcome back to campus!



Hi everyone,


Alyssa here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.


Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for August! The newsletter features the following topics:

What's going on?


  • CUPE 3913 Fall Membership Meeting: Thursday September 28 @ 7:00 PM.
  • Dis-Orientation Week
  • New CUPE3913 website in development
  • Members in Good Standing
  • Ending the academic year: be sure to file your EFAF and benefits claims
  • Guelph-Humber Survey: survey coming out about GH sessional experience and priorities for Collective Bargaining


Learn more about...


  • The Bargaining Process and Bargaining Committee
  • Appointments for Sessional Lecturers
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information


If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email!



Hi everyone,


Alyssa here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.


Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for June! The newsletter features the following topics:

  • The Bargaining Committee & the Bargaining Process
  • CUPE 3913 Fall Membership Meeting: Thursday September 28 @ 7:00 PM.
  • New CUPE3913 website in development
  • Members in Good Standing
  • Ending the academic year: be sure to file your EFAF and benefits claims
  • Guelph-Humber Survey: survey coming out about GH sessional experience and priorities for Collective Bargaining
  • CUPE3913 Statement on the hate-motivated crime at the University of Guelph
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Get to know your Union: Jeff Cornelissen, Labour Relations Coordinator
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information


If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email!



Hi everyone,

Alyssa here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.

Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for June! The newsletter features the following topics:

  • The Bargaining Committee & the Bargaining Process
  • CUPE 3913 Fall Membership Meeting: Thursday September 28 @ 7:00 PM.
  • New CUPE3913 website in development
  • Members in Good Standing
  • Ending the academic year: be sure to file your EFAF and benefits claims
  • Guelph-Humber Survey: survey coming out about GH sessional experience and priorities for Collective Bargaining
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Get to know your Union: Jeff Cornelissen, Labour Relations Coordinator
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information

If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email!


Hi everyone,

Chris here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.

Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for May! The newsletter features the following topics:

  • We are starting the bargaining process! Learn more about the process below.
  • Emergency Financial Assistance Funds for TAs: $138,000 left to be claimed!
  • Budget revision approval
  • Members in Good Standing: why you should become one now
  • Perks survey
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Discrimination & Harassment: there are many ways we can help!
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information

If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email!



Whine & Dine

Dear UofG grad students, 

There’s no denying that money (e.g., grad student funding, grants, TA wages) is a sore spot for many of us. In fact, did you know that 70% of TAs believe that wages and/or funding should be increased to reflect the current cost of living?

Join us on Wednesday, May 3rd from 12pm-1pm at The Lookout (5th floor of the UC by the North elevators) for the inaugural Whine & Dine - an event organized by grad students for grad students so that we can come together and discuss important issues while enjoying some free food. This month, we will be focusing on FUNDING & WAGES.

This event is open only to UofG grad students, though all grad students are welcome to attend. 

Please RSVP so we can have a sense of numbers for ordering food:

Sponsored by: UofG Grad Student Coalition; GSA; CUPE 3913; Canadian Federation of Students - Ontario; Student Life Enhancement Fund (SLEF) 

Last reminder: join us for another round of Trivia at The Lookout tomorrow (21st April) from 5-7PM! We will provide swag, and CUPE3913 Executive members will be present to answer any questions you may have.

See you there!
Chris, Vice-President Internal

As announced in our April newsletter, CUPE3913 is hosting another event this week – please join us for another round of Trivia at The Lookout this Friday (21st April) from 5-7PM! We will provide swag, and CUPE3913 Executive members will be present to answer any questions you may have. Note: this event replaces the paint night announced in the newsletter for the 20th April.

See you there!
Chris, Vice-President Internal

Hi everyone,

Chris here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.

Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for April! The newsletter features the following topics:

  • Election results
  • Spring Membership Meeting and budget revisions: link to the recording and announcement of adjustments to our budget revisions
  • 2023 is a bargaining year: what does that mean?
  • Members in Good Standing: why you should become one now
  • Perks survey: your opportunity to let us know how we can help you with discounts from stores on a range of items!
  • Upcoming social – paint night: brushes, paint, and canvases provided!
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Discrimination & Harassment: there are many ways we can help!
  • Get to know your Union: Jeff Cornelissen, Labour Relations Coordinator
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information

If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email!


Dear members,

The Spring Membership Meeting that was supposed to start at 7PM is delayed by 30 min due to technical difficulties.

Here is the Zoom link:

See you there in 30 min!

Chris, Vice-President Internal

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