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Hi everyone, 


Bargaining officially began on Friday, October 13. The university agreed to working through  non-monetary proposals first (e.g., accommodations, job security). Accordingly, your bargaining team has worked diligently to respond to university proposals to ensure the process moves quickly. It was our hope that we could complete our negotiations on these non-monetary proposals before the end of this semester, and move on to the more pressing and difficult issues regarding our monetary proposals (e.g., wages, funding, benefits) at the beginning of the winter semester. 


Unfortunately, despite our willingness to commit to working through this first group of proposals as quickly as possible, the university has not matched our pace or commitment. In fact, they have been quite slow and unserious in responding to our proposals, often only having a few prepared to discuss at our meetings . This means that negotiations on non-monetary proposals will carry on into January. We are doing everything on our part to ensure that we can start negotiating the  monetary proposals as soon as possible, though our progress is tied to the university’s willingness to work with us. 


How you can help: Applying some pressure to the University

With only one meeting left this semester, it seems that we will need to apply  pressure to the university. One way that members can help is by checking our  “What’s Your Number?” campaign. We are asking our members to provide the actual amount of money they need to live and work per semester (e.g., tuition, rent, groceries, transport, cell, mental/health care), and to note the difference between that amount and the amount offered by your work assignment and stipend. We have printed up postcards with boxes for people to anonymously write their needed amount vs earned amount to show the university how urgently TAs and Sessionals require increases in their wages and benefits. To fill out a postcard or even just find out more about our campaign, stop by to visit us and grab a free coffee at the University Centre this Wednesday, December 13 (add date) between 10 AM and 2 PM where we will be tabling.


We will be starting other campaigns next semester, so please keep an eye on our website, monthly newsletter, and social media platforms for details. We will need you to help convince the university that we need higher wages, more funding, and a healthier workspace to provide students with a quality education, and to complete your program on time.


As usual, if you have any questions about bargaining, please contact the team at  


CUPE 3913 hopes that you will have a restful break and return ready to work together to forge a stronger collective agreement for now and for the future. 

FEATURED TOPICSFall Tabling Schedule, Members in Good Standing, New Website Launch, Winter Membership Meeting on Jan 24 @ 7pm, UC 442, Are You Tracking Your Hours?, End of Year Benefits processing, Union Closure from Dec 18 - Jan 2, Bargaining Updates,Appointments for Sessional Lecturers


FEATURED TOPICS:  Thank you to those who attended our Crafts Night!, Member Mobilizers Needed!, Fall Tabling Schedule, New CUPE3913 Website Launch,  Members in Good Standing,  Want to be more involved in the union? Join the union today!, Bargaining Updates, Appointments for Sessional Lecturers, Get to Know Your Union: Safia Mahabub Sauty, CUPE3913 Equity Officer, Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1200 (Unit 1/Unit2),  Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles

During the whole bargaining process, we are
going to be updating the members through
social media, emails, and bargaining blasts that
will summarize what went on during the
bargaining meeting.
It is our goal to be as TRANSPARENT as possible
to our members and to ensure members we are
doing our best to bargain for a better collective


Crafts Night

Crafts Night with CUPE 3913

Hi everyone,

 Alyssa here, the Vice-President Internal of CUPE 3913 – your Union representing Teaching Assistants and Sessional Lecturers at the University of Guelph.

 Above you'll find the link to the CUPE 3913 newsletter for October! The newsletter features the following topics:

What's going on?

  • Member Mobilizers Needed!
  • Fall Tabling Schedule
  • New CUPE3913 Website Launch
  • Members in Good Standing
  • Benefits and the New Academic Year
  • Want to be more involved in the union? Join the union today!

Learn more about...

  • The Bargaining Process and Bargaining Committee
  • Appointments for Sessional Lecturers
  • Get to Know Your Union:  Kimber Munford, CUPE3913 Grievance Officer
  • Benefits: know your benefits and claim up to $600/$1000 (Unit 1/Unit 2)
  • Special Discounts for CUPE 3913 members: car and home insurance, Ford & Lincoln vehicles
  • Student Wellness Support Resources
  • Contact information


If you have any questions, you can simply reach out to me by replying to this email!



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