Membership Handbook

Getting Involved in the Union

Becoming a Member in Good Standing (MGS)

All TAs and Sessionals within their political Membership are represented by CUPE 3913 and can submit claims for benefits, attend meetings, and participate in the grievances process. However, we strongly encourage all new TAs and Sessionals to become Members in Good Standing (MGS) by scanning the QR code or filling out this form: Click here. There is no cost to become an MGS and the form is quick and easy to complete.


Benefits of becoming an MGS include:

  • Staying informed on issues that matter most to TAs and Sessionals at UofG
  • MGS get to vote on Union matters - Have a direct impact on these issues by ensuring your voice is heard
  • Demonstrate strength to the University - Having many MGS demonstrates to the University that we are a strong Union, allowing us to push for initiatives that can improve the working and living conditions for TAs and Sessionals (e.g., higher wages, job security, fair work conditions)
  • Community - Help establish a community of graduate students and course instructors that are navigating precarious work

How do new members stay up to date on Union news?


We email members a monthly newsletter to keep you updated on current and future events. The newsletter contains student resources, contacts, links, and announcements for keeping up to date with CUPE 3913 initiatives - be sure to read these regularly.

Social media

CUPE 3913 news and current events are posted on multiple social media platforms. Follow us on Instagram: GRYPHON3913, Facebook: CUPE LOCAL 3913, and Twitter: @GRYPHON3913 to easily stay updated.

Become a Member in Good Standing to vote on key issues

Becoming a member in good standing (MGS) allows members to attend and vote at Union meetings. Scan the QR code above to become a Member in Good Standing.

Fill out Member Surveys

We want to know what our Members’ priorities are because we are heading into bargaining in Sept 2023; this information helps us focus our efforts during upcoming negotiations with the University.

Sign petitions

We fight for fair labour practices on campus, but sometimes we lend support to other Unions fighting for fair practices on other campuses. Help support us by signing petitions.


Throughout the academic year we host social events for our Members as a way for folks to get to know each other and to chat about work issues. All Unit 1 and Unit 2 Members are welcome!

Take on a position in the Union

CUPE 3913 is run by grad students and sessional lecturers - if you are interested in helping ensure that we have a fair and healthy work environment, please consider becoming involved! There are many perks to becoming involved in the Union, and many positions offer an honorarium in recognition of your service. We are always looking for stewards and caucus chairs, though we encourage you to consider running for a position on our Executive Committee, as well. Please reach out to any of us with questions (see Key Contacts).

Attend Membership Meetings

We host hybrid (i.e., in person and via Zoom) Membership meetings three times a year - in the Fall, Winter and Spring semesters.

Information about meeting dates and times will be disseminated by our Stewards, so be sure to read your Union emails. These meetings keep Members informed about Union initiatives, they offer an opportunity for Members to have their voices heard, and they are a great way for Members to get to know folks outside of their department. All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

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