Upcoming Events


Whine & Dine

03 May, 2023 PM 12:00 — 03 May, 2023 PM 1:00 (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)   
Whine & Dine
Event summary
Free Food and Open Discussion of Funding
Event details

Dear UofG grad students, 

There’s no denying that money (e.g., grad student funding, grants, TA wages) is a sore spot for many of us. In fact, did you know that 70% of TAs believe that wages and/or funding should be increased to reflect the current cost of living?

Join us on Wednesday, May 3rd from 12 pm -1 pm at The Lookout (5th floor of the UC by the North elevators) for the inaugural Whine & Dine - an event organized by grad students for grad students so that we can come together and discuss important issues while enjoying some free food. This month, we will be focusing on FUNDING & WAGES.

This event is open only to UofG grad students, though all grad students are welcome to attend. 

Please RSVP so we can have a sense of numbers for ordering food: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=K6Fivq0soUml-oX08xVqfesTuAq2J9hJomSxkGuOUm9UNU1ETkhVTVlWM1RMUjBHNEhHVEU5M1Q5Ri4u

Sponsored by: UofG Grad Student Coalition; GSA; CUPE 3913; Canadian Federation of Students - Ontario; Student Life Enhancement Fund (SLEF) 

  • Time
    03 May, 2023 PM 12:00 — 03 May, 2023 PM 1:00
    (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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